Be bold and make your mark: Q&A with Law Grad Alyssa Chandiramani

We caught up with international student from Indonesia, recent LLB Law graduate Alyssa Chandiramani, who shares her journey into Law School from overcoming early academic challenges to being recognized on the Dean’s list across all academic years – and now securing a Training Contract at a global law firm.

Alyssa Chandiramani, LLB Law graduate, stood with flowers, celebrating her graduation.

Why did you decide to study Law at Bristol?

Having a fresh start abroad and reading Law were always dreams of mine, so I decided to pursue them all at once and chase my dreams in England. Bristol was the best place to be for that; the city, way of living here and campuses are incredibly beautiful and vibrant, and the University itself opens up so many doors in the employability realm.

What did you love most about your time at the Law School?

I love how much it has taught me about resilience and authenticity. It is no secret that any Law degree is challenging, but it was challenging in all the best ways at the University of Bristol. The course pushed me to constantly think outside the box and enabled my friends and I to form a genuine bond through all hurdles in ways I will always cherish.

Congratulations on having been placed on the Dean’s list across all academic years in which it was awarded! Tell us about how that felt, and about your graduation day:

Thank you! If I could encapsulate those experiences in one word, they felt ground-breaking. My journey into Law school was far from smooth sailing. I had gotten Bs and Cs at A levels back home in Singapore, then went into a university course I was not passionate about, before taking a leap of faith and completing a Foundation course to get here.

I always thought conversations about doing well in school were non-starters for me considering my atypical journey and grades which had often been frowned upon. Being recognised for my hard work at University enabled me to break stereotypes about the potentially subpar grades I was “destined” to obtain. I feel proud that I never gave up on myself, and even more grateful for those who cheered me on.

Five smiling female students in graduation gowns, one holding white flowers

What do you plan to do now you have graduated? What are your plans for the future?

I have recently relocated to London, and I am cherishing every last bit of free time I have before beginning my LLM (SQE 1 & 2) in September, and starting my Training Contract at a global law firm headquarters here afterwards.

What advice would you give to students currently considering starting out on their path into Law?

If there’s one thing to always remind yourself, it’s that nothing is ever truly “destined for us”, or “out of our reach”.

Never let your past – your background, your race, your A level grades, or anything believed to work “against” you, define your life. Be bold and make your mark, because we can create our own destinies.

“Making it”; whatever that looks like, whether it’s getting into Law School, getting good grades, or getting your dream job, should not be a rarity for anyone. We can continue to pave the way until we are no longer exceptions in the field.